Source code for bioservices.pride

#  This file is part of bioservices software
#  Copyright (c) 2013-2014 - EBI-EMBL
#  File author(s):
#  Distributed under the GPLv3 License.
#  See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#  source:
#  documentation:

"""Interface to PRIDE web service

.. topic:: What is PRIDE ?


    .. highlights::

         The PRIDE PRoteomics IDEntifications database is a centralized,
         standards compliant, public data repository for proteomics data,
         including protein and peptide identifications, post-translational
         modifications and supporting spectral evidence.

        -- From PRIDE web site, Jan 2015

import wrapt

from import REST
from bioservices import logger = __name__

__all__ = ["PRIDE"]

def params_to_update(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
    vars(wrapped)["actual_kwargs"] = kwargs
    return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

[docs]class PRIDE(REST): """Interface to the `PRIDE <>`_ service""" _url = "" def __init__(self, verbose=False, cache=False): """**Constructor** :param verbose: set to False to prevent informative messages """ super(PRIDE, self).__init__(name="PRIDE", url=PRIDE._url, verbose=verbose, cache=cache)
[docs] def get_project(self, identifier): """Retrieve project information by accession :param str identifier: a valid PRIDE identifier e.g., PRD000001 :return: a dictionary with the project details. See!/project for details .. doctest:: >>> from bioservices import PRIDE >>> p = PRIDE() >>> res = p.get_project("PRD000001") >>> res['numPeptides'] 6758 """ res = self.http_get("project/%s" % identifier) return res
[docs] @params_to_update def get_project_list( self, query="", show=10, page=0, sort=None, order="desc", speciesFilter=None, ptmsFilter=None, tissueFilter=None, diseaseFilter=None, titleFilter=None, instrumentFilter=None, experimentTypeFilter=None, quantificationfilter=None, projectTagFilter=None, ): """list projects or given criteria :param str query: search term to query for :param int show: how many results to return per page :param int page: which page (starting from 0) of the result to return :param str sort: the field to sort on :param str order: the sorting order (asc or desc) :param str speciesFilter: filter by species (NCBI taxon ID or name) :param str ptmsFilter: filter by PTM annotation query :param str tissueFilter: filter by tissue annotation :param str diseaseFilter: filter by disease annotation :param str titleFilter: filter the title for keywords :param str instrumentFilter: filter for instrument names or keywords :param str experimentTypeFilter: filter by experiment type :param str quantificationFilter: filter by quantification annotation :param str projectTagFilter: filter by project tags :: >>> p = PRIDE() >>> projects = p.get_project_list(show=100) """ params = self.get_project_list.actual_kwargs res = self.http_get("project/list", params=params) try: res = res["list"] except: pass return res
[docs] @params_to_update def get_project_count( self, query="", speciesFilter=None, ptmsFilter=None, tissueFilter=None, diseaseFilter=None, titleFilter=None, instrumentFilter=None, experimentTypeFilter=None, quantificationfilter=None, projectTagFilter=None, ): """Count projects for given criteria Takes same query parameters as the /list operation; typically used to retrieve number of results before querying with /list :param str query: search term to query for :param str speciesFilter: filter by species (NCBI taxon ID or name) :param str ptmsFilter: filter by PTM annotation query :param str tissueFilter: filter by tissue annotation :param str diseaseFilter: filter by disease annotation :param str titleFilter: filter the title for keywords :param str instrumentFilter: filter for instrument names or keywords :param str experimentTypeFilter: filter by experiment type :param str quantificationFilter: filter by quantification annotation :param str projectTagFilter: filter by project tags :return: number of projects (integer) """ params = self.get_project_count.actual_kwargs res = self.http_get("project/count", params=params) return res
[docs] def get_assays(self, identifier): """Retrieve assay information by assay accession :param int identifier: assay accession number :: >>> p = PRIDE() >>> res = p.get_assays(1643) >>> res['proteinCount'] 276 """ res = self.http_get("assay/%s" % identifier) return res
[docs] def get_assay_list(self, identifier): """Return list of assays for a project accession nuber :param str identifier: project accession number. See :meth:`get_project_list` :return: list of dictionaries. Each dictionary represents an assay. :: >>> p = PRIDE() >>> assays = p.get_assay_list('PRD000001') >>> len(assays) # could be found with get_assay_count_project_accession 5 >>> assays[1]['assayAccession'] 1643 """ res = self.http_get("assay/list/project/%s" % identifier) try: res = res["list"] except: pass return res
[docs] def get_assay_count(self, identifier): """Count assays for a project accession number :param str identifier: a project accession number :return: integer :: >>> p = PRIDE() >>> assays = p.get_assay_count('PRD000001') 5 """ res = self.http_get("assay/count/project/%s" % identifier) return res
[docs] def get_file_list(self, identifier): """return list of files for a project :param str identifier: a project accession number :: >>> files = p.get_file_count('PRD000001') >>> len(files) 5 """ res = self.http_get("file/list/project/%s" % identifier) try: res = res["list"] except: pass return res
[docs] def get_file_count(self, identifier): """return count of files in a project :param str identifier: a project accession number :return: int :: >>> p.get_file_count('PRD000001') 5 """ res = self.http_get("file/count/project/%s" % identifier) return res
[docs] def get_file_list_assay(self, identifier): """list files for an assay :param int identifier: assay accession number :return: list of dictionary, Each dictionary represents a file data structure :: res = p.get_file_assay(1643) """ res = self.http_get("file/list/assay/%s" % identifier) try: res = res["list"] except: pass return res
[docs] def get_file_count_assay(self, identifier): """list files for an assay :param int identifier: assay accession number :return: int :: p.get_file_assay(1643) """ res = self.http_get("file/count/assay/%s" % identifier) return res
[docs] @params_to_update def get_protein_list(self, identifier, show=10, page=0): """Retrieve protein identifications by project accession :param str identifier: a project accession number :param int show: how many results to return per page :param int page: which page (starting from 0) of the result to return """ params = self.get_protein_list.actual_kwargs res = self.http_get("protein/list/project/%s" % identifier, params=params) try: res = res["list"] except: pass return res
[docs] def get_protein_count(self, identifier): """Count protein identifications by project accession :param str identifier: a project accession number :return: int """ res = self.http_get("protein/count/project/%s" % identifier) return res
[docs] @params_to_update def get_protein_list_assay(self, identifier, show=10, page=0): """Retrieve protein identifications by assay accession :param str identifier: a project accession number :param int show: how many results to return per page :param int page: which page (starting from 0) of the result to return """ params = self.get_protein_list_assay.actual_kwargs res = self.http_get("protein/list/assay/%s" % identifier, params=params) try: res = res["list"] except: pass return res
[docs] def get_protein_count_assay(self, identifier): """Count protein identifications by assay accession :param str identifier: a project accession number :return: int """ res = self.http_get("protein/count/assay/%s" % identifier) return res
[docs] @params_to_update def get_peptide_list(self, identifier, sequence=None, show=10, page=0): """Retrieve peptide identifications by project accession (and sequence) :param str identifier: a project accession number :param str sequence: the peptide sequence to limit the query on (optional). If provided, show and page are not used :param int show: how many results to return per page :param int page: which page (starting from 0) of the result to return :: >>> peptides = p.get_peptide_list('PRD000001', sequence='PLIPIVVEQTGR') >>> len(peptides) 4 >>> peptides = p.get_peptide_list('PRD000001') >>> len(peptides) 10 >>> peptides = p.get_peptide_list('PRD000001', show=100) .. note:: the function merge two functions from the PRIDE API (get_peptide_list and get_peptide_list_sequence) """ params = self.get_peptide_list.actual_kwargs if sequence is None: res = self.http_get("peptide/list/project/%s" % identifier, params=params) else: res = self.http_get("peptide/list/project/%s/sequence/%s" % (identifier, sequence)) try: res = res["list"] except: pass return res
[docs] def get_peptide_count(self, identifier, sequence=None): """Count peptide identifications by project accession :param str identifier: a project accession number :return: int >>> p.get_peptide_count('PRD000001', sequence='PLIPIVVEQTGR') 4 >>> p.get_peptide_count('PRD000001') 6758 """ if sequence is None: res = self.http_get("peptide/count/project/%s" % identifier) else: res = self.http_get("peptide/count/project/%s/sequence/%s" % (identifier, sequence)) return res
[docs] @params_to_update def get_peptide_list_assay(self, identifier, sequence=None, show=10, page=0): """Retrieve peptide identifications by assay accession (and sequence) :param str identifier: an assay accession number :param str sequence: the peptide sequence to limit the query on (optional). If provided, show and page are not used :param int show: how many results to return per page :param int page: which page (starting from 0) of the result to return :: >>> peptides = p.get_peptide_list_assay(1643, sequence='AAATQKKVER') >>> len(peptides) 5 >>> peptides = p.get_peptide_list_assay(1643) >>> len(peptides) 10 >>> peptides = p.get_peptide_list_assay(1643, show=100) .. note:: the function merge two functions from the PRIDE API (get_peptide_list and get_peptide_list_sequence) """ params = self.get_peptide_list_assay.actual_kwargs if sequence is None: res = self.http_get("peptide/list/assay/%s" % identifier, params=params) else: res = self.http_get("peptide/list/assay/%s/sequence/%s" % (identifier, sequence)) try: res = res["list"] except: pass return res
[docs] def get_peptide_count_assay(self, identifier, sequence=None): """Count peptide identifications by assay accession :param str identifier: an assay accession number :return: int :: >>> p.get_peptide_count_assay(1643, sequence='AAATQKKVER') 5 >>> p.get_peptide_count_assay(1643) 1696 """ if sequence is None: res = self.http_get("peptide/count/assay/%s" % identifier) else: res = self.http_get("peptide/count/assay/%s/sequence/%s" % (identifier, sequence)) return res