Source code for bioservices.xmltools

#  This file is part of bioservices software
#  Copyright (c) 2013-2014 - EMBL-EBI
#  File author(s):
#  Distributed under the GPLv3 License.
#  See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#  website:
#  documentation:
"""This module includes common tools to manipulate XML files"""
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import bs4

    from urllib.request import urlopen
    from urllib.error import HTTPError
    from urllib2 import urlopen, HTTPError

__all__ = ["easyXML", "readXML"]

[docs]class easyXML(object): """class to ease the introspection of XML documents. This class uses the standard xml module as well as the package BeautifulSoup to help introspecting the XML documents. :: >>> from bioservices import * >>> n = ncbiblast.NCBIblast() >>> res = n.getParameters() # res is an instance of easyXML >>> # You can retreive XML from this instance of easyXML and print the content >>> # in a more human-readable way. >>> res.soup.findAll('id') # a Beautifulsoup instance is available >>> res.root # and the root using xml.etree.ElementTree There is a getitem so you can type:: res['id'] which is equivalent to:: res.soup.findAll('id') There is also aliases findAll and prettify. """ def __init__(self, data, encoding="utf-8"): """.. rubric:: Constructor :param data: an XML document format :param fixing_unicode: use only with HGNC service to fix issue with the XML returned by that particular service. No need to use otherwise. See :class:`~bioservices.hgnc.HGNC` documentation for details. :param encoding: default is utf-8 used. Used to fix the HGNC XML only. The data parameter must be a string containing the XML document. If you have an URL instead, use :class:`readXML` """ # if fixing_unicode: # x = unicodefix.FixingUnicode(data, verbose=False, encoding=encoding) # = x.fixed_string.encode("utf-8") # else: = data[:] try: self.root = ET.fromstring( except: self.root =[:] self._soup = None self.prettify = self.soup.prettify self.findAll = self.soup.findAll
[docs] def getchildren(self): """returns all children of the root XML document This is just an alias to self.soup.getchildren() """ return [x for x in self.root]
def _get_soup(self): if self._soup is None: self._soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(, "lxml") return self._soup soup = property(_get_soup, doc="Returns the beautiful soup instance") def __str__(self): txt = self.soup.prettify() return txt def __getitem__(self, i): return self.findAll(i)
[docs]class readXML(easyXML): """Read XML and converts to beautifulsoup data structure easyXML accepts as input a string. This class accepts a filename instead inherits from easyXML .. seealso:: :class:`easyXML` """ def __init__(self, url, encoding="utf-8"): = urlopen(url).read() super(readXML, self).__init__(, encoding)
class XMLObjectify(object): def __init__(self, obj): """obj can be easyXML data set""" from lxml import objectify try: self.root = objectify.fromstring( except: # try something else self.root = objectify.fromstring(obj) self.obj = obj def __str__(self): txt = "" for child in self.root.getchildren(): txt += child.tag + "\n" return txt