2.6. BioMart service

BioMart provides a uniform interface to many services such as Cosmic, Ensembl and many more. In BioMart terminology a service is called a mart. As an example, we will consider the COSMIC interface provided by BioMart (see COSMIC). You can play with the interface itself to get an idea of what can be selected (e.g., datasets, filters, attributes). To help you, let us give a simple example that consists in converting the ensemble identifiers into entrez identifiers.

First you create an instance. There are lots of services behind the scene. The ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL provides the conversion we are looking for.

from bioservices import BioMart
b = BioMart()
datasets = b.get_datasets("ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL")

In datasets, there is a hsapiens_gene_ensembl database. Let us add it to the request that will be send:


We want to extract only the to following attributes:


If you are interested in a set of identifiers, provide it as a list (here below the queries:

queries = ["", ""]
b.add_filter_to_xml("ensemble_gene_id", queries)

and finally do the query itself:

xml = b.get_xml()
res = b.query(xml)

You can obtain the attributes and filters of a dataset as follows:

dataset = 'hsapiens_gene_ensembl'
attributes = b.attributes(dataset)
filters = b.filters(dataset)

Here is another example with cosmic.


the cosmic mart was available at the time of 1.0 but not during release 1.4.1 . This is not a BioServices issue but the COSMIC mart being down. Hopefully, it will be available again soon. meanwhile this example should help you get a feeling of what can be done with a MART.

In BioServices, you can create a biomart request (which is a XML document) but first we need to figure out what are the datasets associated with the COSMIC mart. The tricky part is to know the names of the datasets/attributes/filters. BioServices provides a function that ease this task. First let create an instance of BioMart:

>>> from bioservices import *
>>> s = BioMart()

Then, let us use the lookfor() as follows:

>>> s.lookfor("cosmic")
     database: cosp
    MART name: CosmicMart
  displayName: COSMIC (SANGER UK)
        hosts: www.sanger.ac.uk

From the previous command, only one mart has been found. It is called CosmicMart, from which we can retrieve the datasets:

>>> s.datasets("CosmicMart")
['COSMIC67', 'COSMIC68', 'COSMIC66']

The are lots of entries in such datasets and we want to restrict our request using filters and attributes. Let us use the “COSMIC60” dataset. The following commands can help you in figuring out what are the valid names of attributes and filters to be used:

>>> s.attributes("COSMIC67")
>>> s.filters("COSMIC67")

They return list of dictionaries that provide the identifiers (keys of the dictionary) and information about the identifier (e.g. descriptive name).

For instance, if you want to add the gene name in the list of attributes, you will need to know its identifier. If you look at the dictionary you will find the “gene_name” key that contains:

>>> s.attributes("COSMIC67")["gene_name"]
['Gene Name',

So if you want to add the Gene Name attribute, you must use the gene_name identifier. Similarly for filters. In order to use a filter you must use the identifier as well as a value. Values are contained in the dictionary returned by filters(). For instance, the “Mutated Sample” filter given by the “samp_gene_mutated” identifier returns a list, which second element contains the list of valid values (here y or n character):

>>> s.filters("COSMIC67")
['Mutated Sample',

So, there is a little bit of work for the user to figure out the identifiers of the attributes and filters. This could be a good exercice but let us give the list of relevant identifiers and there names that we want to use in this tutorial:





Mutated Sample

samp_gene_mutated (y)


Primary Site

site_primary (breast)


Validation Status

validation_status (verified)


Cosmic Sample ID



Sample Name



Sample Source



Tumour source



Gene Name



Accession Number



Cosmi Mutation ID



Gene ID


It is now time to create the XML request by adding attributes/filters and the dataset:

>>> # add the dataset
>>> s.add_dataset_to_xml("COSMIC67")

>>> # add the attributes
>>> s.add_attribute_to_xml("id_sample")
>>> s.add_attribute_to_xml("sample_name")
>>> s.add_attribute_to_xml("sample_source")
>>> s.add_attribute_to_xml("tumour_source")
>>> s.add_attribute_to_xml("gene_name")
>>> s.add_attribute_to_xml("accession_number")
>>> s.add_attribute_to_xml("id_mutation")
>>> s.add_attribute_to_xml("id_gene")

>>> # add the filters
>>> s.add_filter_to_xml("samp_gene_mutated", "y")
>>> s.add_filter_to_xml("site_primary", "breast")
>>> s.add_filter_to_xml("validation_status", "verified")

You can create the XML request that will be send:

>>> xml = s.get_xml()

And finally send the request:

>>> res = s.query(xml)